This company faced a challenge with its existing office Johannesburg with the lease set to expire they embarked on a consolidation exercise.
‘The Future of Work’ initiative was rolled out to enhance the company’s effectiveness by creating a more productive work environment with the right high-quality space, technology and services to enable people to work anywhere, anytime and with anyone.
The offices needed to showcase their leadership position and promote increased communication and collaboration.
The company needed to reduce the costs associated with underutilised space and reinvest in the things that matter the most: higher quality space, technology and services.
A detailed research process consisting of employee surveys, focus groups, interviews and a space utilisation study was conducted.
From this onsite research, a detailed workplace strategy was created.
The company has reduced its portfolio of space by 25%, resulting in a 20% reduction in occupancy costs.
More significantly, the company’s executive team credits The Future of Work with helping to transform the organisation.
89% of employees report that The Future of Work has enabled them to work anywhere, anytime.
85% of employees report they are more easily able to collaborate with colleagues than they were able to before.
93% of employees are satisfied or highly satisfied with their new work environment (as compared to 45 percent pre-move).
71% of employee’s report feeling healthier in the new environment.
A 25,000+ square foot reduction in space that had been allotted to file drawers or storage.
35% reduction in water consumption.
27% reduction in electricity consumption.
An average 67% waste reduction.
28% capacity created by adopting the free address model.
92% of employees report that The Future of Work reflects a reinvestment in employees.